The Sky Pirate Queen

File Size: 537 Mb
Set - 136 pics
Res. - 1333 x 2000 x 24b ,JPEG
Sky Pirate Queen Chloe is the scourge of the seven skies. Her ether ship has conducted lightning raids on banks, governor's villas and elegant parties,
and preyed on merchant skyships from Barbados to Ultima Thule. Dashing Captain Montgomery Sabre has finally caught up with her and laid a trap- she can't
resist the bait, and now she languishes in the dungeons of Castle Embre awaiting her trial for piracy, grand larceny and piloting an unlicensed ether
flyer without proper insurance.
Of course, Captain Sabre isn't quite the upstanding hero his PR would have you believe. He has his own designs on his beautiful captive - he is going
to strip her naked and ravish her before turning her over to the proper authorities!
Chloe Toy